Promoting Another Techie Teacher Blog
What did I just watch?
The embedded video you just watched was created using Voki. Voki is a free web tool that allows users to create speaking avatars. The final versions of the avatars can be embedded in blogs, wikis, or easily linked in other websites. The cool thing about Voki is that users can choose from many different avatars, backgrounds, and text-to-speech voices. If preferred, the user can also record their own voice in place of the computerized version.
Where did you find this?
I first learned about Voki (and other audio tools for blogs) from the blog Free Technology for Teachers. FreeTech4Teachers is written and maintained by Richard Byrne. Because I didn't always feel comfortable learning about and using technology in the classroom, this blog helped make the process much smoother. This blog is easy to read, has an invaluable number of resources, and he always includes how the technology can be applied to the classroom. Free Technology for Teachers isn't just geared towards middle school or high school teachers, but there are excellent resources for elementary teachers as well.
A few more things...
Another reason I enjoy following Free Technology for Teachers is because Richard Byrne often invites guest bloggers to add to his site. For example, a really useful post that delves into Voki a bit further was written by a teacher and technology trainer named Shelley Terrell. In her guest post "Engaging Students With Voki" she provides many different ideas on how to use Voki in educational settings.
Additionally, posts on Free Technology for Teachers are short and sweet; they get straight to the point! There are almost always videos, screen shots, and tutorials on how to use the new technology tools. Teachers don't often have a lot of free time, so this blog is the perfect solution!
So if you're looking for a cool new technology resource, or you just have some time on your hands, be sure to travel on over to Free Technology for Teachers and click around!
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